Turnip story
Посадил дед репку. Grandfather planted a turnip Выросла репка большая-пребольшая. The turnip grew big, very big Пошел дед репку рвать: Grandfather went to pull the turnip тянет-потянет, He pulled and he pulled вытянуть не может! but he could not pull it out. Позвал дед бабку: Grandfather called to grandmother бабка за дедку, Grandmother behind grandfather дедка за репку - Grandfather behind the turnip тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут! They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull it out. Позвала бабка внучку: Grandmother called for the granddaughter внучка за бабку, Granddaughter behind grandmother, бабка за дедку, Grandmother behind grandfather, дедка за репку - Grandfather behind the turnip тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут! They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull it out. Позвала внучка Жучку: The granddaughter called for Zhuchka (the dog). Жучка за внучку, Zuchka behind the granddaughter, внучка за бабку, Granddaughter behind grandmother, бабка за дедку, Grandmother behind grandfather дедка за репку - Grandfather behind the turnip тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут! They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull it out. Позвала Жучка кошку: Zhuchka called for the cat кошка за Жучку, The cat behind Zhuchka, Жучка за внучку, Zuchka behind the granddaughter, внучка за бабку, Granddaughter behind grandmother, бабка за дедку, Grandmother behind grandfather, дедка за репку - Grandfather behind the turnip, тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут! They pulled and they pulled but they could not pull it out. Позвала кошка мышку: The cat called the mouse мышка за кошку, The mouse behind the cat, кошка за Жучку, The cat behind Zhuchka, Жучка за внучку, Zuchka behind the granddaughter, внучка за бабку, Granddaughter behind grandmother, бабка за дедку, Grandmother behind grandfather, дедка за репку - Grandfather behind the turnip, тянут-потянут, - вытянули репку! They pulled and they pulled — they pulled out the turnip!
The voices are heard: "this that for the miracles?!" In this fairy tale there are no miracles - mouse serves in MCHS, [EMERGENCY AND DISASTER RELIEF MINISTRY]!, the mouse hadn't been lazy he had done his exercises regularly and had become strong indeed !